Tuesday, October 7, 2008

NOW LA President endorses McCain/Palin!

via Jezebel.com
"News of National Organization for Women L.A. President Shelly Mandell's endorsement of John McCain, but especially Sarah Palin, is blowing up all over the blogosphere. You might wonder how a woman who helped organize the March for Women's Lives, the thousands-strong pro-choice rally in 2004, has, four years later, decided that women's lives aren't that important after all. . ."
Read the full article here!
Wow. Just wow. The important thing here is that NOW did not endorse the Republican ticket, just this one woman with severe reality perception deficiencies. The NOW brass, and women everywhere, are furious Mandell has used her professional position to prop up McPalin's hollow case for supporting women.
CA NOW president Patty Bellasalma released a statement saying:
"I can assure you that there is no local or state affiliate of NOW, including LA NOW, which endorses or supports the McCain/Palin ticket. John McCain and Sarah Palin oppose many of the rights and freedoms we have fought for throughout NOW's 42 years, and we will not be pushed back to the days of back-alley abortions, forced pregnancies, and pay discrimination without remedy."


Anonymous said...

The bad thing about this is that many conservatives are now going to use Shelly Mandell to mislead the public and make them think that the McCain/Palin ticket is, in fact, supported by NOW.

On a tangential note, I still can't understand the level of compartmentalization required for women to actively suppress the rights of other women. Blech.

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