Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biden v. Palin Rap Battle

I was gonna put up some live debate footage, but we all just watched that so I figure we could indulge in a little VP emcee battle footage instead. Basically, Sarah raps about as well as she answers elementary ass questions. I actually just decided that I would love to see her shifting her weight and stammering on that show Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Can you imagine her with a geography question? Hilarity I'm sure.

Biden cleans her clock on this one, keepin the metaphors nice and his flow on topic. He also keeps it real hip-hop with the white veneer grill. Who doesn't support a bit of pandering to Bay Area and Southern rap heads?

As far as the real debate though? Biden handled business, didn't stray into any sort of attack mode that could be miscontrued as sexist and seemed much more at ease then the all-over-the-place Palin. Note to Sarah: You can't mention Wall Street corruption in your answer to every question, but then skirt the issue when it comes to addressing our current economic woes.

Scariest part for me though was her answer to the Palin as President scenario. Does she continue McCain's policies? Naw not even. She says she's a maverick too and woompty woomp, blazé blah and so ends the world as we know it.


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