The show "Home Turf" appears to be a locally focused telecast that showcases the issues of young people. The show is hosted by Dominique and accompanied by a cheesy 80s hip-hop sound and aesthetic, but this particular story is really dope.
Greg Liggins was a renowned BMX racer from Hayward who amassed a large number of titles and sponsors over the course of his racing career. However, when his sponsor announced a trip to apartheid South Africa, Liggins objected and refused, and as a result, was dropped by his sponsor and black balled from racing. We often hear of high profile examples like Hollywood's McCarthy era black lists, but things of this nature happen all the time.
I have no idea where Greg Liggins is now, but I'm glad he took a stand for what he believed in, and hope it hasn't crippled his life too much.
I went to high school with Greg. They typo'd his last name, it's actually Liggins and he's a TV news reporter. He did a few years at Channel 2.
He was for real with the BMX stuff. I went to a party at his house and he was using big ass trophies to hold doors open.
THanks. Good look. Here is his KTVU real. He looks the same. lol
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