Saturday, October 4, 2008

Queen Latifah to join Tina Fey's Palin Parade

via TMZ
"Well-placed sources tell TMZ Queen Latifah is getting in the middle of the Sarah Palin/Joe Biden VP debate by portraying last night's moderator, PBS journalist Gwen Ifill, on "SNL" this week. For the third time this season, we're told Tina Fey will be back, hysterically not answering questions as Palin. You betcha! No word yet on who has been tapped to play Biden. Thanks to Latifah -- and since "SNL" has no female African-American cast member -- the world is saved from seeing Amy Poehler in black face."

As horrid as Palin would be for this country, I think she has single-handedly revived SNL. I mean fereal, SNL has not been funny for hella years, and now all the sudden its relevant again. When was the last time anyone posted one of their sketches on facebook? That said, Tina Fey has facilitated the rebirth and isn't even a cast member. For the good of the country I hope this broad is only relevant enough to satire for another month.


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