Thursday, October 9, 2008

States' actions to block voters appears illegal

via NYTimes
"Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times. . ."
Full article here

Why did I know that the Republican machine would find a way to purge the rolls and undo all the hard work of the thousands of campaign workers and volunteers. Im so sick of this shit. In most European countries you only have to register once in your life, what the hell kind of a backwards system do we have? I guarantee you that when all is said and done, its going to be mostly Democrats and minorities who end up being disenfranchised. Same shit, different toilet.


Anonymous said...

What I find most disturbing about this piece is that the NYT claims there is no obvious culprit, but instead that the names have been dropped "accidentally," in efforts to comply with the 2002 law. I think that, if true, this will make the issue much harder to mobilize against because there is no clear antagonist.

Coolhand Luke said...

Yeah, that's real. I wonder if further investigation will yield something a bit more calculated though. If it stands as is, it is almost more scary though, because it just verifies how broken our system is. Ridiculous either way

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