Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oakland institution, Mother's Cookies, closes

via the Oakland Tribune
"Just two years after Mother's Cookies closed the doors of its plant on 81st Avenue in Oakland, its pink and white frosted Circus Animal Cookies will now fly off the shelves. And there is no sign that they'll come back.

The plug was officially pulled when Mother's Cake & Cookie Co. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy Monday. Besides the Circus Animal Cookies, the company is known for its Taffy Sandwich Cookies, English Tea Sandwich Cookies, and Iced Oatmeal Raisin cookies that will no longer be made. . .

Mother's cookies was a fixture in Oakland, when it made its headquarters at 810 81st Avenue in 1949. It was started by N.M. Wheatley, who ran it as a one-man operation on 12th Avenue in Oakland in 1914. It later moved to East 18th Street before its final Oakland headquarters."

Full article available here

Well I am personally saddened. Not only is this another example of Oakland's local economy crumbling and entrepreneurial spirit suffering, it also marks a weird symbolic death of my childhood. I mean what kid in Oakland didn't fiend for those sprinkled and frosted animal cookies? It went further than that in my house. With locally minded parents, we ate Mother's Cookies over any other brand. The circus ones (pictured), the chocolate chip, black chocolate walnut and the truncated bunt cake lookin joints with the frosting stripes on top were the staples in my house and I will miss them.

I'm sad that I wont be able to continue that tradition, but I am more sad that Oakland based brands are falling off so quickly. In this unfortunate process Mother's goes the way of Granny Goose. It also marks the continuation of job loss caused by the pull outs of major companies such as Gerber, Chevrolet, and others. Oakland gets its guts and glory from its blue collar hustler's mentality and that is slowly dying with the death of these local institutions. :(

R.I.P. Mother's Cookies


Anonymous said...


I can't believe this. My brothers and I ate the circus animal cookies all the time when we were younger. Thinking about them now, I can vividly remember how they taste and smell.

Man. I'm going to have to ask my dad to send me some before they're all gone forever. :(

Anonymous said...

Also, here you go:

(Nothing fancy, just something to keep myself busy during downtime at work!)

Coolhand Luke said...

I know, Im very sad. ITs one of those things that you dont really dwell on till its gone. Like if they shut down the Oakland Zoo, I'd be hella upset even though I dont go there, just because I spent so much of my childhood there. THey better leave the zoo and Fairyland alone!!

oaklandsown22 said...

hey.. they were a staple in my home to. what a coincidence lol
i just saw a bag of them in the store the other day. so the roomates and i have decided to stock up on them now

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