Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sarah Feylin & Joe Biden debate on SNL

Tina Fey is hella funny! Queen Latifah does a great job moderating here too. No commentary, just watch the video. Sadly this is pretty much how the debate went. Again, most of what appears to be satire, is pretty close to what Palin actually said in the debate.

Palin adressing Gay rights
"I believe marriage is to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers."
Palin on Israel
"There's a special place for Israel in heaven."


Anonymous said...

SNL is still doing a decent job of parodying the candidates, but I think they might have peaked with that very first skit, largely because it was so unexpectedly spot-on. Now that the initial shock of how perfectly Fey can play Palin has worn off, we're left with the sad truth that this country could end up with a Vice President (and then quite possibly a President) who such a terrifying force of tomfoolery.

Also, there's the problem that Fey's Palin is so dead on that the other impersonators, fake Biden in particular, just look silly up there next to her.

(Oh, and I can't believe you actually wrote hella. I love NorCal, too, but really? :p)

Coolhand Luke said...

I HELLA appreciate you Nanner! No one else writes nada LOL. Yeah, the novelty of it is a little old now, but its is still great. Word on the whackness of the other impersonators, but I thot Queen Latifah was good too. I say that to suggest that SNL start bringing in other folks to do impersonations. Biden was the only in house actor and he was lightweight lackluster comparatively. Yes its scary, but I'll laugh at 1 more month of it if I don't have to vomit through 4 years of it.

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