Thursday, October 2, 2008

10 Projects Reshaping Oakland

via Oakland Magazine
"Over the past decade, it’s become an old saw: Oakland is making a comeback, emerging from San Francisco’s shadow and shedding its industrial past. Then news about failing schools or senseless bloodshed or City Hall cronyism makes headlines, and it seems like the same old Oakland—beloved by residents but saddled with an image problem it can’t seem to shake.

But activity abounds around the city, even set against the backdrop of a deflated housing market, a shrinking job market and ever elusive major retail projects: Large swaths of land—abandoned by the military and the port—are on the verge of dramatic makeovers; new high-rises are changing the skyline; the bar has been raised on grocery shopping; and former Mayor Jerry Brown’s 10K housing plan is close to reality.

To help make sense of the changing landscape, here’s a look at 10 projects that have special significance because of sheer size, impact on particular neighborhoods or cultural importance."
Full article here
There are obviously the constant specters of gentrification, deforestation and developers run amok, but to be sure development in Oakland is not all bad. There is definitely a need to revitalize The Town, but it will only be done in a respectful and positive manner, if we make a concerted effort to get involved a lá the Oak Knoll Residents. I am particularly juiced for The Fox's grand opening (hence the pic) but a lot of these projects have potential.

Is anyone else nervous though that hell of these projects involve housing? How will that play given our current crisis? Maybe it will at least keep some of these Jerry Brown lofts a bit cheaper. I know much is made of bringing money to Oakland, but let us not forget that it is Oakland's spirit of blue-collar hustle that makes it the place we love. Please don't let us lose that


M-boogie rooted in societal ARCH said...

Oakland people need to stick together on this one or ten. When we don't we get the gentrification problems we have in the West as well as the unlawful building of the lofts on the corner of 35th and Mac. People we need to stay conscious and to the development. Its all politics, remember we need to dig a little for the information, but it's there.


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