Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stressmatic of Federation: "Be'n Broke Sucks"

I know I'm late on this shit, but once I found out it was my personal anthem I had to post it. Doesn't it kinda sound like it could have been featured on Office Space along side "Damn it Feels Good to Be a Gangsta"?

In any case, the bottom line is, when your bottom line is dipping, it sucks to have to listen to all these stuntin' anthems. Let's be real, muhfuckas is broke out here. So thank you Stress, it's good to know I'm not the only one. Shout out to Top Ramen.

DL: "Be'n Broke Sucks"- Stressmatic of The Federation


Anonymous said...

Word is these cats have hella music in the bank and just lettin it out slow I just cant figure out where it comes from we know that stressmatic is a genius when it comes to lyrics but who is responsible for the beats and the production,how do we get more!!! I heard that they have rock songs too!

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