Friday, May 8, 2009

E-40 to Drop Slang Dictionary in 2009

I had read about this over at WooHa the other day, but Backside came through with the video. I am a huge advocate of the Bay getting its due credit when it comes to coining much-bitten slang, but a dictionary? The sociology major in me is lightweight juiced, but I'm more interested in pressing forward than dwelling on the past.

Plus Berkeley High students already produce an annual Bay Area slang dictionary, and the online crowd can easily cruise over to It just seems like a waste of time. If it's just E-40's patented phrases or niche Bay slanguistics it could be dope, but in the vid above some of the words he's sharing with MC Serch sound fairly generic. *shrug*


Anonymous said...

Something for the 925 white boy crowd to buy to be cool with their friends

-008' said...

He been droppein this for a minute, but the way he slang, he gonna haveta update it every other year;)


40 is my man no homo, but i have never heard anyone use about 80 percent of the words he states. U smell me?

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