Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin joins Bush Book Club? Illiteracy is so underrated

So basically this . . . umm person? can't name ONE newspaper or magazine that she reads, and wants to be taken seriously by folks? Its still extremely vivid and palpable where Bush's illiteracy got us. Its just fascinating to me that a JOURNALISM MAJOR can't name a damn newspaper! That's like an astronomy student being unable to name a planet!

Props to Glenn Greenwald for summing it up just right:
"In order to learn the source of her political knowledge, Katie Couric asked her three times what specific newspapers she read prior to being selected as Vice President, and Palin -- after trying to answer a couple times with her trademark rambling incoherence ("all of 'em, any of 'em that have been in front of me all these years . . . a vast variety") -- abruptly decided that the question was an elitist, condescending East Coast media assault on Alaska and chided Couric accordingly, without answering. How could you mock that other than by repeating it verbatim?"

More importantly, how is political satire supposed to exist when gems like this are so out of pocket as is? The Palin/Couric SNL sketch proved as much. The writers just straight up lifted direct quotes from Palin because they couldn't have made them any more hilariously rediculous and embarrasing if they tried.


Anonymous said...

Palin's jumbled, incoherent answers continue to amaze. Choosing her as a VP candidate was not only a huge "f@*k you" to the progressive women's movement, but also (as it turns out) a reaffirmation of the NeoCon's lack of interest in and respect for any form of true intellectualism.

On the bright side, we can all keep our fingers crossed for a ridiculous debate tomorrow.

P.S. When writing about literacy, be doubly-sure to edit your posts. "It's" not "Its." :p

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