Sunday, October 5, 2008

Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama

Best line. Upon having his vote for Obama calculated as six votes for McCain, and then sucked into the electronic voting machine:

"This doesn't happen in America!! Maybe in Ohio, but not in America!"


Anonymous said...

I was actually kind of surprised that "The Simpsons" would be so direct on this topic. Happily surprised, but surprised nonetheless. I guess I'm just used to comedy choosing thinly veiled parody over outright depiction.

Coolhand Luke said...

Thats exactly what i told Niema when I saw it. Its definitely refreshing, but totally unexpected. Aren't The Simpsons on Fox too?

Anonymous said...

They are on Fox; however, I'm pretty sure that "The Simpsons" are a big enough cash cow that the network is willing to let them do pretty much whatever they want.

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