Sunday, January 9, 2011

Video: Raphael Saadiq: "Radio"

Raphael Saadiq is keeping it retro, but changing it up a bit too on the first single from his forthcoming album Stone Rollin'. Sonically, "Radio" seems to be straying from the Motown sound he channeled on The Way I See It, edging more towards the territory of Chuck Berry. Content wise it is a tribute to the love/hate relationship many folks have with that antiquated device with the AM/FM dial.

Listening to the radio is indeed an abusive relationship. She's always talking that same ol bullshit, trying to change us to fit her image, mining us for money and reminding us how shallow she is. And yet, she somehow keeps us coming back for her addictive simplicity and buttery melodies. She's either crack, love or both. Her promises of future grandeur and her list of exes who have moved on to great success are tantalizing to say the least. So here we are again. Dissing her, but not altogether dismissing her. 

"I know you want a baby, I want one too," Saadiq sings, "But I'm just not sure that I want it with you." The baby here of course is an album. To make it a hit you'd want to get in bed with radio, but to make it good, it's often better to steer clear. So with this new release Ray Ray is again walking that line between quality music and mainstream notoriety. And with "Radio" specifically he seems to be hoping that the corporate device he named the song after, will endorse his tongue-in-cheek ode to their industry. Saadiq notes that he's "taking the chances of a fool," but perhaps they're just simple-minded enough to fall for the ol okey doke. 

BONUS: 38th Notes's Niema Jordan reports that Raphael Saadiq is Executive Producing and Scoring a new show called "Love That Girl" - On


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